October 29, 2008


Creator's of the masterpiece's above (L-R):
Seth, Amanda, Brad, Me, Cassie, Nick

Brad's wolves and my OSU athletic logo pumpkins!

I thought they ALL turned out SWEET!
Happy Halloween!


Anonymous said...

Dude those are awesome!!

Anonymous said...

Whit, great pumpkins. I like your header. How did you do it? Did you create it on photo shop before importing the picture. or is there a way to do that on blogger?

Aubrey said...

Wow - I'm impressed. My pumpkins never turn out that great.

Tristan said...

sweet pumpkins!Yours make ours look like little Trinity did all the work..ha ha do you know what your plans are for Christmas yet?

DCAja said...

awesome! GBU :)
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